Team meetings often start on a serious note, but adding team meeting ice breakers can lighten the mood, boost participation, and build connections. Whether in person or virtual, these activities spark creativity and energize the group. Here are ten icebreakers to try at your next meeting.
1. One-Word Check-In
One-Word Check-In is a simple yet effective ice breaker for team meetings, asking participants to describe their current mood or mindset using just one word. This activity provides a quick way to gauge the overall energy of the group and helps set the tone for the meeting.
Each team member offers one word—like “motivated,” “overwhelmed,” or “excited.” The facilitator can then open up the floor to brief discussions based on these words if needed.
Why it works: This quick activity takes less than five minutes and provides instant insight into how people are feeling. It helps team leaders adapt to the mood in the room, promoting better communication and empathy.
2. Two Truths and a Dream
A fun twist on the classic “Two Truths and a Lie,” Two Truths and a Dream lets team members share two true statements about themselves along with one dream or goal they hope to achieve. The rest of the team has to guess which one is the dream.
A team member might say, “I’ve been skydiving, I speak three languages, and I plan to visit every continent.” The team then guesses which one is the dream.
Why it works: This icebreaker encourages personal sharing while sparking conversations about aspirations and goals. It’s a fun way to learn more about your colleagues on a deeper level.
3. This or That
“This or That” is an excellent icebreaker for virtual team meetings, but it’s also suitable for in-person gatherings. This quick and engaging activity helps you learn more about your team’s preferences by presenting two options for participants to choose from. Whether you opt for light-hearted or work-related questions, it effectively sets the tone for both online and offline interactions.
The facilitator asks, “Pizza or burgers?” or “Beach vacation or city adventure?” Everyone picks their choice, and conversations flow as people explain why.
Why it works: This icebreaker is fast, requires no preparation, and helps kick off the meeting with energy and light-hearted interaction.
4. Speed Questions
Speed Questions is a rapid-fire icebreaker where each team member has 30 seconds to answer as many questions as possible. Questions can be light-hearted and fun, like “What’s your favorite movie?” or “What’s your go-to comfort food?”
The facilitator asks questions like “Morning person or night owl?” Participants answer as many as they can within their time limit.
Why it works: This game encourages quick thinking and helps people open up. It adds an element of excitement to the meeting and allows colleagues to share personal tidbits in a fast-paced, fun way.
5. Question of the Day

This icebreaker involves posing a thoughtful or fun question to kickstart the meeting, setting the tone for engagement. Whether you choose a light-hearted query or one that encourages reflection, these team meeting ice breaker questions can effectively establish the vibe.
You might ask, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” or “What’s one thing on your bucket list?” Each team member takes turns answering the question.
Why it works: It sparks interesting conversations, allows everyone to share something personal, and offers a variety of questions so the icebreaker doesn’t get repetitive.
6. Office Show and Tell
This nostalgic fun ice breaker for team meeting invites team members to share something meaningful from their personal or professional lives. Participants might showcase a favorite book, a cherished photo, or an item that represents a hobby, fostering deeper connections and engagement within the group.
One team member shows a family photo, while another shares a unique souvenir from a recent trip.
Why it works: Show and Tell fosters personal connection and encourages sharing, helping team members get to know each other better.
7. Highs and Lows
Highs and Lows is a more reflective icebreaker where participants share a recent high point and a low point in their life or work. It opens the floor for meaningful conversation.
One team member might say, “My high this week was finishing a big project, and my low was missing out on a family event.”
Why it works: This activity promotes empathy and understanding while allowing people to celebrate successes and find support for challenges.
8. Reverse Brainstorming
In Reverse Brainstorming, an engaging ice breaker activity for team meetings, participants focus on making a problem worse rather than solving it. For example, if the topic is improving team communication, you might ask, “How could we make communication worse?” This unconventional approach encourages creative thinking and humor while highlighting potential pitfalls to avoid.
Someone might say, “We could stop responding to emails entirely!” Afterward, the team discusses how to avoid these pitfalls.
Why it works: It encourages creative thinking and humor while addressing potential issues. Plus, the unusual approach makes it a fun way to spark productive conversations.
9. Team Trivia
Test your team’s knowledge with a round of trivia. You can choose questions related to your company, industry, or fun general knowledge. Create two or three rounds of questions and divide the team into small groups for a fun, competitive element.
You might ask, “What year was our company founded?” or “Which city is known as the birthplace of jazz music?”
Why it works: Trivia encourages collaboration and friendly competition, making it ideal for sparking energy and enthusiasm before tackling meeting topics.
10. Around the World
Similar to Team Trivia, but this trivia-based icebreaker encourages cultural exploration. Each team member picks a country and shares one unique or fun fact about it. The team then guesses which country it is.
A participant says, “This country has the most volcanoes in the world.” The group guesses until someone says “Indonesia!”
Why it works: It opens up discussions about travel, culture, and diversity, promoting inclusivity and curiosity among team members.
Team meeting icebreakers are a fantastic way to kick-start any gathering, helping individuals engage, relax, and contribute. These ten ideas, ranging from light-hearted to reflective, serve as the best ice breaker for team meetings, warming up the team before diving into the agenda. By incorporating fun, quick activities, you can strengthen connections and enhance collaboration within your team.